Student Safety & AI Policy

AI Policy

School administrators, regulators, and government officials are struggling with best setting policies for using artificial intelligence in schools. It is a fast-moving and ever-changing technology, and policies need to be able to adapt accordingly. Although the United States is seen as a leader in the field of artificial intelligence, the policies and regulations supporting this technology appear to be lagging. This is especially true in education, where the US Department of Education has only recently produced introductory guidance. ( As such, states and districts have often been left to their own devices, creating what MIT calls a “wild west” like atmosphere. (How Policy Can Help Ensure the Proper Use of AI in Education, 2024).

In Europe, the EU published guidelines (Ethical guidelines on the use of artifical intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and learning for educators) for using AI in education in their schools. Most recently, UNESCO published its own guidelines for AI use in Education (Guidance for Generative AI in Education and Research).

However, all of these documents are more about concepts than practical implementation. Given this landscape and the importance of this new and increasingly pervasive technology, Day of AI works with school leaders and regulators to discuss and consider these high-level guidelines, as well as other publications and research, to assist in creating customized and flexible practical policies for their different school communities.

If you want to learn more, discuss, or share your AI policies, please reach out and contact us.