Do I have to do this on a specific day?

Not at all! The Day of AI program is designed to be run on any day that works for you and your school, or over multiple days throughout the year. We plan a celebratory day each year to showcase student work, which is announced at the beginning of every calendar year. You and your classroom are welcome to share your work on that date or participate in those activities in another way if it suits your schedule.

Is there any cost to participate in Day of AI?

No. All course curriculum and professional development videos are completely free and will remain free. As a not for profit organization we are very fortuante to have generous sponsors who share in our mission.

How do I access the curriculum?

Simply register at dayofai.org/register and we will send you a password to all the curriculum.

What materials do I need to run Day of AI?

Nothing beyond Chromebooks or laptops for your students, internet access, and basic classroom materials (pens, paper, whiteboard, blackboard, or flip chart pages). Some curriculum materials do not require any technology or internet access.

Can I customize the material for my classroom?

Absolutely! We encourage it! All we ask is that you abide by our terms and conditions.

Do I need a Chromebook or laptop for each student?

Ideally every student would have access to their own Chromebook or laptop for the lessons, but students could share, if necessary. We recommend no more than two students sharing one device.

Do I need to know anything about AI? Or computer programming?

No. We have written and scaffolded the lessons to be taught by teachers from all disciplines including language arts, social studies, math, and art. In addition, we are providing teachers free video training materials they may review at any time.

Are these activities designed for STEM classes?

While the activities can certainly be used in STEM classes, the lessons are applicable to social sciences and humanities, as well. The impact on society and the responsible and ethical use of AI is just as important in the lessons as the underlying technology.

Do I have to implement the whole unit for my grade level?

No. Lessons are written to be implemented in 30 minute – 60 minute blocks. Teachers can run any or all of the lessons on Day of AI and may mix in their own modifications and adapt them to their classroom as they see fit.

I don't know where to start! What curriculum should I try first?

The diagram below may be helpful in deciding what curriculum might be most appropriate for your classroom. It is not prescriptive, just a recommendation. You may find it useful to combine lessons from more than one curriculum into your own Day of AI activities.

Can I run a middle school lesson in my elementary school or vice versa?

All lessons can be run at any grade level. In fact, some activities are the same in two different grade bands. We recommend that you begin with reviewing the curriculum from the grade level that you teach and then consider looking at the other grade level lessons if you feel you would like more or less accessible material.

What is the Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights document?

It was created to give students a look at how different countries and organizations, including the United States and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), have drafted blueprints of how human rights are impacted by the use of AI and will then come up with their own ideas to ensure AI does not infringe on those rights or do unintended harm.

Is the curriculum available in languages other than English?

Day of AI is designed to be accessible for all students. While the teacher guide for the curriculum is currently available only in English, if you are interested in student materials in other languages please contact us at contact@dayofai.org.

Is there data collected about my students through the activities?

No personally identifiable information is collected by Day of AI, MIT RAISE or its collaborators. However, this website may collect basic, anonymous web analytics data such a visitor’s browser, operating system, time spent on site, and city or town. This data is collected only to understand aggregated information that will help us improve our curriculum and its value to teachers and their students. Absolutely none of this information can be tied to a specific person nor would we willingly attempt to do so.

Please note that a few of the tools used in the curriculum by our collaborators or by unaffiliated companies that operate these tools may ask to collect your data or ask for your permission to provide your data; however, you will always be asked first to opt-in (give consent) explicitly and under no circumstances do you need to agree or feel compelled to do so. Please check the privacy policies of those services for more information. Neither Day of AI nor MIT RAISE can assume any responsibility for your choice in providing PII to these organizations.

Are there other tools for educators I should be aware of?

Sure! Plenty, but a good start would be the two-hour course Grow with Google: Generative AI for Educators, built by AI experts at Google in collaboration with MIT RAISE.