
Day of AI

Developed by leading faculty and educators from MIT RAISE (Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education) and other partners, the Day of AI curriculum seeks to give all students the foundational knowledge needed for our changing world. The Day of AI curriculum follows a spiral curriculum approach, as summarized in the AI Competency Framework for Students by UNESCO. Students are exposed to progressively developing AI knowledge and skills instead of isolated topics. AI concepts are revisited with increasing complexity, ensuring a strong foundation through repeated exposure and application. To learn more about AI Literacy and why it is vital for students, we suggest you read this informative article

Materials and Resources

Explore freely available lessons, tutorials, and activities designed for students of all ages, abilities, and levels of technology experience

  • 30 to 60-minute lessons, all available at no cost
  • Accessible content relevant to all learners
  • Organized by recommended levels and ages for implementation
  • All curricula include an educator guide, teacher slides, and relevant student pages

Curriculum Feedback

Do you have a comment or suggestion on a lesson? Do you have student work you would like to share with us? We welcome your input. Please complete our Educator Submission and Curriculum Feedback Form. By completing this form, you will be entered into a raffle for a $50 Amazon gift card at the end of the school year!

AI Literacy Foundations

 This set of units is designed to give students foundational AI Literacy skills to thrive in our ever-changing society.  All age groups should begin their AI Literacy journey here.

AI Applications

These units are designed to enhance students’ foundational AI literacy skills and allow them to explore and question AI tools and ethical concerns further. 

How Do AI and AI Tools Affect Our Rights?

(Ages 8-18)

A series of civics lessons exploring the implications of AI in our schools and society

How Do AI and AI Tools Affect Our Rights?

(Ages 8-12)

Prerequisite:  How Do Machines Learn?

1. Human Rights and Privileges

Students engage in an experiential activity that helps define the difference between rights, and privileges.

30 minutes

2. How Rights Evolve Over Time

Students explore primary source documents used throughout history to establish and protect human rights. Then, they make generalizations from what they have read to discuss how technological advances like AI have changed what rights need to be protected.

30 minutes

3. Algorithms and Discrimination

Students learn what an algorithm is through a recipe making activity. They then discuss how bias can be embedded in algorithms that are used in technology today.

45 minutes

4. Technology and Privacy

Students engage in a drawing activity in which they guess who someone is based on data they are given about a person. They then consider how information stored about people online relates to privacy, and discuss privacy as a human right.

45 minutes

5. Advertising and Transparency

Students create their own ads, being challenged to be both persuasive and transparent. They then reflect on ads they encounter online, and whether those ads should be more transparent or not.

45 minutes

6. Designing Safe Systems

Students use the Ethical Matrix to think about how to responsibly design social media systems.

45 minutes

7. Human Rights and the Use of AI

Students engage in a simulated senatorial debate in which they propose what policies should be included in an AI Bill of Rights

45 minutes

AI Legislation in Schools: Empowering Young Legislators

(Ages 12-18)

AI Legislation in Schools: Empowering Young Legislators

(Ages 12-18)

What is AI?

1. Existing School Rules

Students engage in a simulated test with different resources at their disposal to consider what is "fair" and "unfair" for school rules.

2. The Creative Process

Students collectively write a story and consider how creativity is expressed. Then, they observe ChatGPT write a similar story and compare it to their own.

3. Chatbots and Large Language Models

Students learn the mechanics of how ChatGPT works, and how it is built. They then learn about Reinforcement Learning, and how it is used to build Large Language Models.

4. AI in Our Lives Today

Students learn how AI is used in 6 different government and business sectors today, and think about how it may be used sometime in the future. They then consider what careers they might be interested in.

5. Ethical Considerations in the Use of AI

Students learn different examples of algorithmic bias, before thinking critically about how bias could show up in their own lives.

6. AI In Schools

Students discuss the pros and cons of the different ways AI may be used by each of a school's constituents: students, teachers, and administrators. They consider these costs and benefits as they begin thinking about the goals behind rules that should be put in place regarding the use of AI in their school.

7. Bills and Legislation: How Laws are Written in the US

Students learn how bills are written in government and the different needs of different stakeholders.

8. Writing Your Own AI Bill

Students think about the implications of AI for the different school stakeholders and work together to write a comprehensive draft of an AI bill for their school.

9. Building Consensus

Students work to agree on one AI bill to put forward to the teachers.

10. AI Bill Amendments

Students consider the importance of negotiation, the inevitability of compromise, and imperfect solutions. They do this through amending their bill (if needed) to get teacher approval before presenting their ideas to school leadership.

11. AI Bill Proposal Preparation

Students evaluate their AI bill and determine how well they think it will work. They then get a chance to make any last changes to the bill before learning how to present and advocate for legislation.

12. Present Your AI Bill

Students try to persuade school leadership to approve their AI Bill to set the rules for the use of AI in the school.

13. (Optional) Sharing Your AI Bill

Students share their bill with other students and schools, and contribute to a database that will showcase youth’s general opinion on AI regulation in schools.

Going Beyond AI Literacy

These units are designed for students to dig deep beyond AI Literacy and may require a longer time commitment. Topics include data activism, exploring creativity with AI, building Chatbots,  and AI programming with Blocks or Python. These topics also foster students’ creative problem-solving skills within coding applications. 

AI Programming Courses with Blocks

(Ages 8-18)

Courses that teach about AI using coding in AppInventor or MIT RAISE's AI Playground

How Do Machines Learn? (with coding)

(Ages 8-14)

Prerequisite:  "What is AI?", "How do Machines Learn?"

1. Introduction to Scratch Programming

Students learn the basics of block-based programming by making a functioning scroller game.

50 minutes

2. Building with Reinforcement Learning

Students incorporate elements of reinforcement learning into their scroller games and consider how an AI agent learns to play the game on its own.

40 minutes

3. Share and Explore

Students share their scroller games with each other, and compare them. They then consider how to implement reinforcement learning in real world domains responsibly.

50 minutes

Personal Image Classifier

(Ages 14-18)

Prerequisite:  "What is AI?". Familiarity with AppInventor is recommended.

1. Introduction to PICaboo

Students build their own image classifiers using AppInventor's custom interface, and embed their classifiers in an app.

120 minutes

2. Gender Shades

Students learn about how bias can be perpetuated by image classification systems. They then reflect on this potential for bias in the context of the apps they are making.

45 minutes

Generative AI with App Inventor

(Ages 13-18)

Prerequisites: "What is AI?", Lesson 2 from "ChatGPT in Schools", familiarity with AppInventor is recommended but not required.

1. Building a ChatGPT ChatBot

Students create an App using App Inventor that interfaces with ChatGPT. They then consider the benefits and harms to society of using a tool like ChatGPT.

60 minutes

2. Building a DALL-E ImageBot

Students create an App using App Inventor that interfaces with DALL-E. They then consider the benefits and harms to society of using a tool like DALL-E.

60 minutes

Introduction to Voice AI

(Ages 14-18)

Prerequisite: "What is AI?", or a basic understanding of the definition of Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence

1. Introduction to Voice AI

The lesson covers the basics of voice AI and leads students through two tutorials. Students code Alexa to say “Hello, Moon!” and create a Space Trivia Generator. At the end, students dive deep into Alexa’s AI systems through an interview with Amazon’s Chief Alexa Evangelist.

60 minutes

Ecobits Explorers

(Ages 11-18)

1. Setting Up Sensors

Students learn what sensors are and how Micro:bits work. They then set up their Micro:bits to collect data and send it to a computer for logging.

50 minutes

2. Good Questions and Creative Ideas

Students consider what sensors they encounter in their every day lives, as well as constructive uses for sensors, and then play a game involving data visualizations.

50 minutes

3. Project Ideation

Students brainstorm local issues related to the environment, and make a plan for collecting data with Micro:bits about an issue of their choice.

50 minutes

4. Building Data Applications

Students learn about different types of graphs, and what types of data they each represent. Students then use line graphs to represent time-based data.

50 minutes

5. Receiving and Evaluating Final Sensor Data

Students import data from their Micro:bits into AppInventor, and create line graphs based on that data. They then prepare to share conclusions they reached from their data in a presentation.

60 minutes

6. Connecting Nature Data to Climate Data

Students learn the definitions for Climate Change and Global Warming. Then they learn how their own process of data collection relates to data collection on the Climate as a whole.

45 minutes

IceMelt: Modeling and Predicting Climate Change

(Ages 14-18)

Familiarity with AppInventor is needed.

1. Visualize Climate Data

Students explore lake ice data in spreadsheet format to get familiar with it, before creating a graphing app in AppInventor to visualize the data.

50 minutes

2. Create a Model with Climate Data

Students add a trend line and a line of best fit to their graphing apps and start considering what lake ice will look like in the future.

50 minutes

3. Clean the Data

Students add anomaly detection to their graphing apps, consider what the anomalies mean, and then remove them. Students then reconsider the lines of best fit after removing anomalies.

50 minutes

4. Make Mathematical and AI Predictions with Climate Data

Students predict future trends in lake ice after having removed anomalies. They then incorporate an AI chatbot into their apps and explore using it as a companion for summarizing and analyzing data from their charts.

50 minutes

AI Programming Courses with Python

(Ages 14-18)

Courses that teach about AI using coding in Python

How are We Quantified by AI? (with coding)

(Ages 14-18)

1. Introduction to Data Activism

Students will learn the definition of Data Activism, and discuss ways in which data can perpetuate bias.

35 minutes

2. Intro to Python Part 1

Students are introduced to basic syntax in Python, including object and variable types.

45 minutes

3. Intro to Python Part 2

Students continue learning the basics of Python, and are introduced to the data science library Pandas.

45 minutes

4. Daisy Model

Students will engage in an identity activity called the Daisy Model, and consider the difference between how they see themselves, and how data is collected about them by social media and governmental systems.

45 minutes

5. Data in Google Sheets

Students learn how to categorize, clean and format data by combining information from their Daisy Models into a group dataset in Google Sheets.

45 minutes

6. Visualizing Data

Students create graphs based on their data using Python and Pandas.

65 minutes

7. Data Drawings

Students learn about how art can represent data in more accessible and emotionally resonant ways. They then apply what they've learned to create their own Data Drawings.

45 minutes

8. The Power of Data and Data Activism

Students learn about systems of power in society, and consider how data can be used to uphold or confront those systems.

45 minutes

How Do Machines Rate, Score, and Compare Us?

(Ages 14-18)

Prerequisites: "How are We Quantified by AI? (with coding)", or familiarity with Python basics

1. Post Secondary Education

Students consider the importance of post secondary education in the US.

20 minutes

2. Indexing and Manipulating Data

Students learn how to use the Pandas library in Python through the process of cleaning and manipulating a dataset on college admissions in the US.

45 minutes

3. Functions and Mapping

Students learn how to create functions in Python. They then apply this knowledge by creating a function to map values in their college admissions dataset to new, cleaned values.

45 minutes

4. Transforming Data

Students continue to work with functions, creating new ones that transform data from the college admissions dataset.

45 minutes

5. Visualizing and Analyzing Data

Students learn how to create graphs in Python. They then use what they've learned to visualize information about the college admissions dataset, and draw conclusions about post secondary education in the US from those visualizations.

45 minutes

6. Visualizing and Analyzing Data Continued

Students continue working on data visualizations to draw conclusions about post secondary education in the US.

45 minutes

7. College in the US: A Case Study

Students do a case study on Harvard University and its historical connections to structural racism in the US. They then consider how history can inform current structural barriers to accessing post secondary education.

45 minutes

8. Affirmative Action and Algorithmic Decision Making (ADM)

Students learn how affirmative action in the US is structured, and how algorithmic decision making is considered in federal institutions.

45 minutes

9. Current State of Affirmative Action

Students learn more about affirmative action in the US, and consider the implications of how it operates given what they've learned from their own data analysis.

45 minutes

Telling Climate Stories with Data

(Ages 14-18)

Prerequisites: "How are We Quantified by AI? (with coding)", or familiarity with Python basics

1. Data as Narrative

Students create stories based on data visualizations that communicate the personal impact of trends shown in the visualizations.

45 minutes

2. Explore Data with Python

Using the Pandas library in Python, students explore a raw dataset and distill it into a more understandable and usable format.

55 minutes

3. Visualize Data with Python

Students format and visualize data using Python, then draw conclusions about the data they visualize.

45 minutes

4. Predict Trends with Machine Learning

Students create a predictive model trained on data they formatted in previous lessons.

45 minutes

5. Independent Data Analysis Project

Students put together the skills they learned in Lessons 2-4, applying each skill to the analysis of a new dataset.

90 minutes

6. Telling Climate Stories

Students construct narratives at the individual level that communicate the conclusions they have reached about the climate from their independent data analysis project.

60 minutes

Bring Day of AI to Your Classroom

Give your students an opportunity to learn how artificial intelligence is already transforming our lives and how they can become part of shaping AI to create a better future world for all.